Legal and tax consulting

Analysis of recent legislative changes, court practice examples, specifics of enforcement of arbitrazh and court decisions, current labor and migration law regulations, corporate law, intellectual property protection practice, taxation of local legal entities, branches and representative offices of international companies.

Representative Offices and Branches of Foreign Companies in Russia (December 2021)


Find out the most recent news about rep. offices and branches of foreign companies in Russia. What do you need to get accredited? How to register with state authorities? and much more in “Representative Offices and Branches of Foreign Companies in Russia (December 2021)”.

Establishing and Managing a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Russia (December 2021)


Find out the most important information about a Russian LLC. You are planning to register an LLC and have not got enough information about this procedure, the amount of Charter Capital, or how to finance it? Read “Establishing and Managing a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Russia (December 2021)”, analyze and contact us!

Legal Forms for Business Activity in Russia

Find out about forms of entrepreneurial activity in Russia. What to consider while opening a representative office, a branch or an LLC? Which type of a legal entity will be preferable for your business? Read in our article “Legal Forms for Business Activity in Russia”.

Localization as a form of investment: latest news from the Russian market


Find out about localization in Russia. This is always a decision about investment. Is it a good time to invest in the Russian manufacturing sector? Does the RF government provide any support? Read about it in our article and make your decision.


SCHNEIDER GROUP has been helping businesses to expand to new geographical markets since 2003, offering a full range of business support services: from developing strategy for successful market-entry to helping arrange or optimize accounting, reporting and financial planning processes and establishing efficient IT infrastructures.

500 top experts in 15 countries take care of all resource-consuming non-core business tasks, so our customers can focus on achieving their business goals. We offer services in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Serbia and Uzbekistan, with minor regional variations. Get in touch via our contact form to request details of specific service packages available in your target country.

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