Country News

Russian government’s anti-crisis plan – detailed chronology

The Government of the Russian Federation announced the list of priority activities (actions) to ensure the sustainable development of the economy amid the deterioration due to the spread of coronavirus.

Belarusian Government introduces obligatory measures for prevention of coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus adopted the Regulation № 171 «On measures for prevention of transfer and spread of infection, caused by coronavirus COVID-19» on March 25, 2020.

Is it force-majeure if GD is in deadlock abroad due to coronavirus?

Can COVID-19 be acknowledged as force majeure? New court practice concerning COVID-19 as force majeure What to do? Practical solution: a second director.

Russia shuts all border crossing, Moscow reinforces restrictions – March 30 updates

We now update you on the new measures implemented by the Russian Government and Moscow Mayor.

Russia’s days-off – what does it mean for your business?

Actions you should take before the holiday week. What will be next week? How is the situation from legal perspective?

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