Tax Reform in the Russian Federation

From 2025, businesses will face an increase in income tax from 20% to 25% and changes to taxes for certain branches. Further notable changes include, among other things, the introduction of a five-stage progressive personal income tax scale and implementation of VAT for a segment of small businesses.

Important changes in tax law of Republic Kazakhstan

Amendments to the tax legislation include exclusion of the Principality of Liechtenstein from the list of offshore zones, changes on transfer pricing, exemption from the obligation to submit income tax returns.

Crypto Regulation Bill: Objectives and Perspectives

The Armenian Cryptocurrency Regulation Bill aims to ensure customer protection, prevent illegal activity and encourage innovation.

Introduction of SAFE Agreements Into the Laws of the Republic of Armenia

Armenia has adopted a law allowing investment in startups through SAFE agreements in exchange for future shares.

Extension of the EU sanctions against the Republic of Belarus

The new EU restrictions against Belarus concern the extension of the export ban and the expansion of the list of goods and technologies banned for export.

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